We got to Minneapolis Monday around 6pm. We drove our van all the way here in 3rd gear! It wouldn't switch into 4th. We stopped at the boarder to do all the paperwork for importing the van. We where only there for about 30mins. We couldn't have asked for a better trip. By the time we got to Minneapolis the van was stalling at almost every stop but it's all over now and we only have one more day until we catch our flight to Cayman.
We have had fun here in Minneapolis with the DeLorenzi's.
The kids are doing well but we can tell they are tired of all this transition and ready to just get there already! I have to admit that I feel the same. I'm ready to get to Cayman, unpack and start to settle in. I'm sick of wondering if I brought the right stuff, if I will miss my Kitchen Aid mixer (I will), what the food in the grocery stores will be like and how we will all do in the heat.
The thing I'm ready for the most is having time to reflect on the past 6 years. It's been a good 6 years but there hasn't been much time to just stop and smell the roses. This year we plan to take time to stop and smell all the flowers and of course we won't forget the sunscreen.