Friday, August 21, 2009

A time of growth

Two weeks ago we bought some seeds, dirt and pots. A week after that (we just didn't seem to find the time) we planted the seeds and have been watching them grow. I can't believe how fast they are growing. The pictures here are one week after planting. The tomato plants we bought as plants as well as two of the herb plants but everything else is from seed.

Amazing! I love growing things.

For the past few years I have wanted a lemon tree.
Ryan and I have dreamed of picking our own lemons from a tree in our backyard. Well We bought the tree but I'm sure it will be years before lemons can be picked off it's branches.

It's so beautiful and smells amazing. When we bought the tree a lady who worked at the Nursery sang us a little song about how lemon trees smell wonderful and have beautiful flowers. It was a really memorable experience.

This week we have been at the school everyday preparing classrooms, boards and lesson plans. I (Alexandra) will be a teaching assistant in the Pre School. I'm looking forward to being with the cute little ones. I will also be teaching Art to grades 1-3 to help the amazing Art teacher. So I get to be in my kids classes at least once a week! Amazing. We are blessed!

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day and sunset pictures

Pictures of the sun setting tonight. We left the beach early and didn't catch the whole thing.

Today was our first day at the new school. Long story short it was AWESOME! We learned about the school including the vision and some school history. We meet some of the other new staff who where all very cool. It's so amazing to be surrounded by people from different cultures. I'm really going to love this.

We also learned a bit about Cayman and the history. It was really amazing.

The kids were a bit stressed last night and couldn't fall asleep. I was a bit nervous for them too. While Ryan and I were in a meeting this morning they were being taken care of. When we got there another teachers child was there as well and he is the same age as Silver! This was a big bonus. The kids ended up having a great time and are excited to get school started.

When we arrived here we had some issues with our work permits and passports. Well that all got worked out today as well. It's been a good day. Now there's only this weekend left before Ryan gets working in his classroom everyday and then the kids start school Friday!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sea Turtles and boat rides

A rare picture of all of us! This was at the end of a long (fun) afternoon cruising around the island. The kids where so tired.

Just over two weeks on the Island now. I have realized how much is not available on the island. In Canada we are just so used to having everything available. If it's not available at the store down the street we can easily order it on line and have "it" delivered within a few days. Even ordering on line here is difficult. Most places won't deliver here or it would cost so much it's not worth it. As frustrating as this is I am secretly enjoying it. It just makes me have to work harder and be more creative.

For instance I have been trying to find storage bins or drawers or toy boxes. I have found nothing. Seriously nothing. So the kids toys are all over the place or still in a suitcase. It's fine but they aren't really playing with them because they just don't have a familiar place yet. I know it will come.

Here is a sting ray at a place called sting ray city. We stopped here on our boating journey. It's a reef spot about 3-4 feet deep. We all got out and swam with the sting rays. Trinity was super excited to be able to touch one. Silver was a little more freaked out but within a few minutes he was relaxed and having fun too!

The other day Silver asked if they could start school tomorrow so they could make some friends. I see how much they miss their friends. It's hard. Trinity said one day out of know where "I miss our house, I miss Jane". It almost made me cry. I know these things will come too. It just makes me so sad to see the kids this way.

Here we are at the Turtle Farm. We spent an afternoon there learning about Green Sea Turtles. It was awesome.

We are trying to do fun things to keep us busy and not focused on all the transition. We have done some cool stuff. We've been to the Turtle Farm, on a boat cruise, swam in the pool and trips to the beach of course. We are reminding ourselves that we are on summer break and need to relax amidst all the craziness.

On Sunday we where invited to join a group of about 25 people to cruise around the island for the afternoon. It was a really cool experience. The kids loved it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rubber chicken beach

Our 7 Rubbermaid bins are coming today. I am a little nervous about where I am going to put everything. It's not a lot of stuff but it's hard to find a "home" for everything. We need to seriously get some toy boxes or something for the kids to put their toys in. We are going to hit some moving sales this weekend to see what treasures we can find. When people move off Island they sell a lot of stuff so we should get some good deals.

Here is a quick list of things I already miss and wish I had brought
1. Sewing machine (left it behind at the last minute because my sister said it would break on the journey. I knew she was right so I left it.)

2. Kitchenaid mixer. It's not so bad right now because my Mother-in-Law has one but it won't be here for long.

3. Tupperware. This one I REALLY wish I would have brought. But it just took up so much room in the luggage it couldn't come. If we stay longer than one year I am totally going to bring it!

I've been to the grocery store 4 times and we've only been here for 6 days. It's driving me crazy not knowing how to shop here. We bought some chicken yesterday to put in our Oriental Chicken Salad. I cooked it tonight the same way I always do and it was weird. Apparently it matters what brand you buy. Just about any store back home you could buy chicken and pretty much expect a certain result. Well it's going to be a bit more complicated here. It's all just a matter of trying stuff and seeing what we like. Can you believe I just wrote a whole paragraph about chicken.

Here are some pictures of our trip to the beach today. A place called Rum Point. Amazing.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Everyday is full of adventure

We did it. We are here. It's hot, it's beautiful and Trinity wants to know where Grandma is (she is in Vancouver with her parents).

I spent almost the whole day unpacking our 8 large suitcases and 8 carry-ons. It was a lot harder than I expected. Most of our clothes where dirty so we did about 6 loads of laundry.

We went to the grocery store and it was also harder than expected. All the packaging was different and I didn't know where anything was. Not a big deal I know but a bit frustrating. I know that the best thing for our family is to get settled in anyway we can. I took the kids books out yesterday and put them on the shelf. They where so excited to see them again. They both sat for about two hours and just looked through the books.

I took the kids to the beach this morning. We where only there about 1 hour but that was long enough to tire us all out.

After lunch we all went to the skate park so Silver could check it out. It cost 8.00 for a day pass. It felt strange to pay for Silver to skate. All the parks in Canada are public parks free of charge. It wasn't a big deal I just didn't expect it to be a charge. If he continues to enjoy skating then maybe we will look into a year membership.
I'm exhausted from the heat. I know, I know I shouldn't complain.