So I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself these past two weeks. It's just a phase I'm sure. I think most of it has to do with my brain and body adjusting to weather. Seriously. It totally doesn't feel like Autumn. I miss the cool air, beautiful leaves, sweaters and socks and the mental prep for winter. The weather here has been a bit rainy which I have loved. When it's not raining it's hot. I think it will take at least 6 months to get used to the heat. People say it will cool down soon, but really that just means it will go from HOT to hot. I am NOT complaining. Just trying to get used to it. Also I stopped taking pictures because I decided I hate my camera. I was trying to take some cool shots and my camera wouldn't focus or take any of the pictures I wanted so I just stopped. I want a Rebel like all my cool friends have. I'm just whining.
Silver has been doing so well in school. His marks are soaring and even though he doesn't seem to have any friends in his own grade he does have a good time playing at recess with some of the grade ones. He is starting to enjoy football after a bit of a struggle with the game. Ryan and I really need to do our homework with him and get him practicing more.

Trinity is really struggling. She talks about Jane everyday and we had to go out and buy Jane and the other dogs she lives with some toys and dog bones. We are going to mail them tomorrow. I'm sure it will cost us a small fortune to send but it is making her happy. She couldn't sleep tonight because as she said "I'm having too many thoughts of Jane". I don't think she will ever get over losing Jane but I also know that once we get her another dog (when we move back to Canada one day) it will lesson the pain. She's doing great in school and is starting to make some friends.
Halloween! In usual form Silver will be dressing up as a Star Wars character. We ordered him a very cool X-wing fighter costume and thanks to Nannie we got it in time for Saturday. Trinity is going as a Vet. Totally not surprised. I am having someone make her some little scrubs and we found a dress up Vet coat and some Dr. supplies. Halloween is pretty down played here on the island. We are going to take the kids to Camana Bay for their events and then off for some trick or treating in one of the areas of the island where kids trick or treat. It should be a fun night.
We just had a 4 day weekend and in two weeks we have another one. There are quite a lot of 'holidays' here. I kinda like it:)