Breathe. I am just coming up for air after two weeks of
diving deep into work related projects and never ending
After I wrote that sentence I went back under for a few more stress filled days and more sickness. My body is so tired. I now have a headache everyday and can't seem to take any sort of deep breath. I may go see a Dr. this weekend but really I will just rest as much as possible and see how I am on Monday.
Alright let me catch you up on some happenings around here.
1. Silver had his FIRST outdoor birthday party! We was thrilled to be outside having fun with his pals. Here are a few pictures. Remember it's December and not a snowflake to be found.

2. We went to see Santa at Camana Bay. He was outside and there was fake snow flying out of machines. Fun times.
3. I did a lot of my Christmas shopping on line. I actually enjoyed it. I will post what I got Ryan because he NEVER reads this blog. I know, he should be writing in it. Maybe after Christmas or not. I'm sick of fighting Ryan everytime he wants to buy a book (because they're heavy and heavy means money when shipping stuff home one day). Sooooo I got him a Kindle. It's a thing that you can store electronic books on. Ahhhhh. Now he will only be allowed to buy books for the Kindle (while we are on the Island). This present is much more for me than him.
4. Trinity and I started playing violin. We have had three lessons. Keep that in mind when watching this:) VIDEO to be added soon
5.Silver and Trinity had a fun time at Grandma and Gramps place on Silver's birthday. They had a super cool treasure hunt. At the end they both got bikes! So awesome.
I have so much to write about but....... but.
I'm dreaming again. Now that's a great thing.