These are a few of my favorite things.......
1 My bag.
recently given to me. I have plans to embroider or add leather pieces to make some branches with leaves or flowers on it.
2 My hair colour.
I had it done this weekend. I've been feeling 'unpretty' (I'm sure most women have moments like that) and it was the boost I needed to just feel good. Bye bye for now gray hair. (picture to follow)
3 Going to the movies alone.
This is a new favorite thing for me. I've seen 'This is It' twice by myself in one week and it was great! I plan to do this more often.
4 The rain. Video taken this afternoon.
Not a new fav thing. I have pretty much always loved it. As a child we used to sit on our front porch and watch the thunder and lighting storms. So it's comforting I guess.
5 My espresso machine.
This is the only thing I brought just for me. Even though I miss going to *bucks for my drink at least I can make one myself (not quite the same though).
6 Hope. Although hard to find in me lately I cling to it.
7 The Post Secret blog. I have checked this blog every Sunday morning (almost) for over three years. People from all over the world send post cards revealing their secrets. Some are funny some are sad and some are scary. I love them all because it reminds me that there are other 'humans' out there. Feeling, breathing, hurting, laughing and suffering.
8 The fact that there is a hurricane named Ida roaring through the Caribbean right now. For those of you who don't know my first name is Ida. I like this fact because inside I feel like a hurricane:)
9 Foy Vance. Amazing singer song writer. I was hoping and praying that I would be inspired by some music and this guy has done it for now. Check him out on youtube. Here are my three favorite songs.
Foy Vance sings Indiscriminate Act of Kindness
Foy Vance sings First of July - this is my favorite
Foy Vance sings Gabriel and the Vagabond
10. The book I am currently reading Anne Frank Diary of a young girl. I have wanted to read this book for years and I have finally found the moment and what a perfect moment. I should tell you that before I was married I actually read books from cover to cover. As life changed with kids, jobs, moving and a million other things my reading habits never fully adjusted. So the fact that I am reading at all is a big deal. This book is amazing for many reasons but for me personally it's so timely. I can relate to how Anne was feeling being trapped in that attic with no real freedom to move about and be herself. But at the same time feeling grateful for the opportunity to even be in the 'secret annex' was such a blessing.
11. People who know me. When you move to a place where no one knows you it can be a scary thing. On the other hand I actually really like being a face in the crowd who doesn't know anyone and no one knows me. BUT when surrounded by people who don't know you they don't know whether they can trust you, what you are capable of, if you're 'normal' and not crazy, what you love to do what you're good at and,what you've done in the past. So I miss having people around who know me. People who can feel safe around me and I around them.
I may add to this list over the next week.
loved this post.
i remember the first 18 months of this move. I got so tired of putting myself out there in relationships.
Every conversation was the same.....
who are you
why are you here
what do you do
it goes on and on, what they are really asking is..."are you worthy of my friendship and can you be trusted"? that can get really exhausting after awhile.
i took the first winter off and tried to ignore the loneliness but it catches up with you and you realize that all this is what it takes to be in relationship and if the people i meet decide i am not worth it then i can move on to the ones God has for me. This has really worked for me and I think I have made some fantastic friendships here. and the people that i put my self out there for that did not respond? I am glad I didn't waste anymore time on them.
In a real way the people I have met in Ottawa truly do know me because they see me as I am.
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