Saturday, March 27, 2010

One more week

Here we go again torn between two lands. One more week until spring break. We have started (as much as we can start) to plan our exit from Cayman. One more week until spring break. We have our tickets to Halifax and possibly a place to stay when we get there. One more week until spring break. Again we are doing this whole moving thing and it's a lot of work. One more week until spring break. We have to save money, sell some stuff, pack up the rest, say good bye to Gramma and Dude (that is going to suck) and try to stay sane through it all. One more week until spring break. Help!

We had a great visit with some cousins last week. One more week until spring break. The kids had such an amazing time hanging out with them. One more week until spring break. It was so nice to see our kids just relax and have a fun time playing with kids they felt comfortable with. One more week until spring break. Silver still doesn't have a good connection with kids here. One more week until spring break. He does try but most boys in his class play soccer every recess and it's hard to break into that. One more week until spring break. He cried pretty hard when the cousins left.
One more week until spring break. Trinity has made a couple of good friends but she loved playing with her cousins too. One more week until spring break. She can't wait for us to get to a place where we can get another dog (three if she had her way, and a rabbit, turtle, frog, donkey........). One more week until spring break.
We plan to take full advantage of the Island while we are still here. One more week until spring break. We will have as many beach days as possible, pool days, time with Grandparents, and time not wearing snow suits. One more week until spring break. Did I mention it's only one more week until spring break? One more week until spring break. We're all pretty excited about it:) One more week until spring break.


Sonya said...

You know, I would love visiting the Maritimes, too!

Sending love your way! Hang in there...

Dombowsky Family said...

the dolphin pics look so cool! Whats the story behind that? I have always wanted to swim with dolphins - preferably in a controlled enviroment, as I have a major phobia of SHARKS!

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